Mists of Pandaria Classic is officially coming after Cataclysm and is scheduled to go into pre-patch in Summer 2025.
World of Warcraft players can expect to enjoy playing the Pandaren race and the Monk class as they were originally released, along with the iconic raids, dungeons, and Challenge Modes that make Mists of Pandaria distinct among other WoW expansions.
World of Warcraft Classic gives both new and old WoW players a great opportunity to play through some of WoW's original content. New players can experience older content as if it was current, and returning classic players can relive the Nostalgia of their favorite WoW expansions from years ago.
Here are the top 5 things to look forward to when World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria: Classic releases!
Exploring the beautiful zones of Pandaria
MoP is universally acclaimed as the most beautiful expansion in World of Warcraft. After slogging through Grim Batol and Firelands in Cataclysm, Pandaria is literally a breath of fresh air.
There are 9 unique and beautifully crafted zones in Pandara: Isle of Thunder, Timeless Isle, Townlong Steppes, Dread Wastes, Krasarang Wilds, Kun-Lai Summit, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Valley of Four Winds, and the Jade Forest.
Whether you're questing in the mist-covered mountains of Timeless Isle or quietly farming in the Valley of Four Winds, every zone in MoP is gorgeous.
MoP is also known for its beautiful soundtrack. Mists of Pandaria will be an invitation for players to slow down, turn up the in-game music, and really enjoy questing through these beautiful zones.
Farming with the Tillers
In the Valley of Four Winds, you'll meet Farmer Yoon and the Tillers. Once you accept the quest chain Learn and Grow, Sunsong Ranch will phase so that you're the only player there, allowing you to till your private crop of land.
Players get four initial starting spots to plant, grow, and harvest crops, with farm expansions unlocked after increasing your reputation with the Tillers.
Between the beautiful Asian-inspired landscapes, beautiful soundtrack, and the invitation to start your own farm, Mists of Pandaria Classic is the perfect time to invite new players to World of Warcraft.
If you know someone that prefers games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, Mists of Pandaria Classic is the perfect time to try introducing them to World of Warcraft.
Playing the Monk Class and the Pandaren Race
The Pandaren Race is the only neutral race in World of Warcraft. Players that choose a Pandaren character start on the Wandering Isle at level 1 and meet several characters from both the Horde and Alliance factions. After questing through the Wandering Isle, players will be asked to permanently choose their faction before leaving.
Pandaren can choose to become hunters, mages, priests, rogues, shamans, warriors, and monks.
Mists of Pandaria kept the Dragonflight talent tree and made both leveling and raiding laughably easy. Mists of Pandaria Classic will remain true to the original leveling experience, making it much more immersive.
Mists of Pandaria also introduced the monk class, a diverse hand-hand combat class that can be a DPS, healer, or tank. The classic Monk doesn't have an auto-attack - every punch and kick will be directed by the player alone. Monks also use Chi through combinations of moves to gather energy and unleash powerful finishers or lifesaving heals.
Iconic Raids: Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar
Next to Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria is known for having the most iconic raids in World of Warcraft. Mists of Pandaria has 5 full raids that players can look foward to: Siege of Orgrimmar, Throne of Thunder, Mogu'shan Vaults, Terrace of Endless Spring, and Heart of Fear.
Of these five raids, two are player favorites: Siege of Orgrimmar and Throne of Thunder. Siege of Orgrimmar is an epic 15-instance raid that ends with players finally taking down Garrosh Hellscream once and for all.
Throne of Thunder is a 13-instance raid that ends with Ra-den: "Lei Shen's life changed forever when he stumbled into a dark chamber below what are now the Mogu'shan Vaults. Legend has it he found an ancient titan keeper guarding a miraculous device known as the Engine of Nalak'sha,"
Mists of Pandaria raid start with the satisfaction of finishing off Garrosh Hellscream and end by uncovering the mysterious Titan lore on Pandaria, with beautiful Cloud Serpents attainable along the way.
Challenge Mode Dungeons
Challenge Mode Dungeons were the predecessor of Mythic+ and is the #1 feature in Mists of Pandaria I look forward to playing this summer!
All 9 dungeons in Mists of Pandaria had Challenge Mode: Siege of Niuzao Temple, Temple of the Jade Serpent, Mogu'shan Palace, Scholomance, Scarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery, Gate of the Setting Sun, Shado-Pan Monastery, and Stormstout Brewery.
Different from Mythic+, challenge modes scaled down your character to make the dungeons more challenging. And instead of having a Mythic+ score, you can earn Bronze, Silver, or Gold for completing Challenge Mode runs.
Players that earn Gold from Challenge Modes will earn both a portal to the dungeon and a rare armor transmog! If you didn't play the original Mists of Pandaria, it will be a great experience to try the original Challenge Modes that eventually gave us Mythic+ in retail.
The 11 original classes from Mists of Pandaria should have their Challenge Mode sets available when Classic comes out.
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