Pokemon TCG Prismatic Evolutions is being released in the United States today, January 17th, online and in stores. If you're lucky enough to either get your preorder delivered today or find some in stock in stores, you have a chance to pull some of the most valuable cards in circulation!
Here are the 20 rarest cards you can find in Pokemon TCG Prismatic Evolutions!

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex (145/131) is a Special Illustration Rare supporter. Full art supporter cards are some of the most intimidating cards to meet in battle but are usually not on the list of the rarest or most expensive. Currently, players can find one of these Special Illustration cards for between $20 to $50.

Budew Master Ball Version (004/131) is a rare partial-holo that's increased in value because of the card's versatility in gameplay. The Master Ball version of the card is selling between $30 and $50, with some being sold for even more to competitive deck builders! This is your sign to check the value of every card, not just full art cards!

Suicune Master Ball Version (024/131) is another partial holo that's skyrocketed in value despite the Pristmatic Evolutions set not being released yet. This simple Suicune card is already selling for $30 to $50, and some TCG experts say the value will only increase as the release rolls out and even more players start chasing cards.

Gholdengo ex (164/131) is a Special Illustration Rare card that's currently selling for $45-50.

Walking Wake ex (178/131) is one of the several Ancient and Future Pokemon featured in Prismatic Evolutions. This Hyper Rare Pokemon is already auctioning for up to $100.

Glaceon Master Ball Version (025/131) is currently selling for up to $100. This version of Glaceon can only be pulled from a pack. This isn't the promo card that's included with the Prismatic Evolutions Tech Sticker Collection.

Pikachu ex (179/131) is one of the Pikachu Hyper Rares that collectors are chasing. If you see a gold Pikachu in any set, you already know you hit the jackpot. This Pikachu is currently the most valuable Hyper Rare in Prismatic Evolutions, reselling for around $120.

Sylveon Poké Ball Version (040/131). Pulling any Sylveon from Prismatic Evolutions is already an instant win. The Poké Ball version of this card will have a sparkly logo etched on the front, an important detail for collectors. This card will surely increase in value as the set releases in the US today!

Raging Bolt ex (166/131). This Ancient Pokemon is a Special Illustration Rare with a beautiful design. This rare card is currently selling for around $100.

Sylveon Master Ball Version (040/131). This version of Sylveon has a unique Master Ball holo texture, and is one of the top TCG Player's listings at around $150! This simple card is a collector's piece that's worth hanging on to.

Vaporeon ex (149/131) is currently worth around $150, and it's likely to skyrocket as Prismatic Evolutions releases in the US. This standard Vaporeon ex is an intant hit with both competitive players and collectors! All of the eevee-lutions are only going up in value from here.

Eevee ex (167/131) is the STAR of the Prismatic Evolutions set. The poster child for this set is a Special Illustration Rare currently valued around $160.

Jolteon ex (153/131) is another eevee-lution to look out for. This Special Illustration Rare is currently worth up to $180.

Glaceon ex (150/131) has a beautiful background made up of shards of ice. This beautiful Special Illustration Rare card is selling for between $200 and $300.

Espeon ex (155/131) is arguably the best Eevee-lution card for competitive players. This Special Illustration Rare in Prismatic Evolutions highlights the otherworldly feeling of Espeon and is currently valued around $260-300.

Flareon ex (146/131) is selling for more than Espeon, despite it not being a better card to use in competitive gameplay. This beautiful card is auctioning for nearly $400 already!

Leafeon ex (144/131) has one of the more unique Eevee-lution SIR designs in the Prismatic Evolutions set. Leafeon is camouflaged in a vibrant forest adorned with white flowers. This card is selling for anything from $200 to $500 depending on location and quality.

Sylveon ex (156/131) was instantly popularized in the Terastal Festival ex, and it's set up to be one of the most expensive cards in Prismatic Evolutions with listings at $500 or more. This card is both insanely valuable to collectors and competitve players, driving up its value.

Umbreon Master Ball Version (059/131). The top two cards in this set are both Umbreon, with the first being the Master Ball version and the second, of course, being the Umbreon ex. The Master Ball Version of Umbreon is already selling for $500 to $1000.

The rarest and most valuable card in Pokémon TCG Prismatic Evolutions is Umbreon ex (161/131). This is undoubtedly the card that is selling out the Elite Trainer Boxes around the globe, with this card already valued at almost $2000! Will you be chasing this card?

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