Operation: Floodgate is a brand-new dungeon debuting with Season 2 of World of Warcraft: The War Within!
This complete guide features the dungeon map, mechanics for all 4 bosses, and all loot that drops from Operation: Floodgate.

Operation: Floodgate Overview
The new dungeon in World of Warcraft: The War Within is a 4-boss dungeon located near the Waterworks delve in The Ringing Deeps. A mad scientist is diverting energy from the dam in The Waterworks towards Gallywix's sinister schemes and he must be stopped.
Operation: Floodgate is a fairly small dungeon with two floors - The Waterworks and the G.R.I.D.

Players will defeat the first three bosses, Big M.O.M.M.A., Swampface, and the Demolition Duo before descending to the deepest part of the dam to take on the head scientist Geezle Gigazap. This final boss is located in the G.R.I.D.

This dungeon looks fairly compact and doesn't seem like there will be much room for custom routes in Mythic+. So far, the highest key timed on the 11.1 PTR is a +13, with the best players in the world unable to beat Big M.O.M.M.A. on a 14.
Operation: Floodgate Boss Fights
Big M.O.M.M.A is the first boss Operation: Floodgate, and she commands an army of Darkfuse drones that leave her vulnerable when defeated. When her shield of drones is defeated, the party takes massive damage while having a window to deal damage to Big M.O.M.M.A.
Big M.O.M.M.A.'s abilities:
Mobilize Mechadrones - Summons 4 Darkfuse Mechadrones to assist them in combat.
Jumpstart - When all Mechadrones are defeated, Big M.O.M.M.A. attempts to jumpstart their depleted battery, taking 200% increased damage and releasing jolts of energy every 1.5 second for 12 seconds. Each jolt inflicts Nature damage to all players. When Jumpstart is over, a pool of electricity on the floor remains.
Electrocrush - Tank buster. Big M.O.M.M.A. crushes their target with an electrified claw.
Sonic Boom - A blast of sonic energy pulses towards a player. Players are also dragged towards this pulse and silenced if caught within it. This sonic pulse explodes if it collides with an obstacle.
Kill-o-Block Barrier - Big M.O.M.M.A. surrounds themselves with a barrier that reduces all damage taken by 80%.
Darkfuse Mechadrone abilities:
Maximum Distortion - The mechadrone overloads and explodes for massive sonic damage to players within 60 seconds. The drone pushes players away from itself every 2 seconds for 16 seconds.
Shoot - The mechadrone fires shots at random players
Doom Storm - The mechadrones strafe towards players, bombarding in a straight line.
Swampface is a slumbering beast lurking at the bottom of the Waterworks. This massive beast attempts to bind players with its Razorchoke Vines to keep them from escaping the one-shot Mudslide.
Swampface's abilities:
Razorchoke Vines - Swampface entangles players together in pairs. Moving 14 yards apart will yank the players back together.
Awaken the Swamp - Swampface repeatedly smashes the ground every second for 4 seconds, inflicting party damage and causing Skewering Roots to emerge from the ground.
Skewering Roots - Colossal roots that inflict Nature damage to anyone within 5 yards of it. Their eruption through the ground causes a Rushing Tide.
Rushing Tide - A wave of river water that inflicts Frost damage and pushes players in the direction its heading.
Mudslide - One-shot. Swampface upheaves massive amounts of mud in front of him
Sludge Claws - Tank buster. Swampface ravages the target in front of him. These claw marks then absorb damage.
Demolition Duo is yet another twin boss fight where both bosses have to die at the same time. Keeza Quickfuse calls down deadly bombs and applies a DoT to random players on Mythic difficulty. Bront is a brawny foe that barrels through players and wallops the tank.
Players will also have to try and aim Bront's Barreling Charge through as many of Keeza's Ticking Time Bombs as possible to knock them away. Keeza applies a DoT to players that explodes when removed, so players with the DoT will need to move out of range of any Ticking Time Bombs before the healer purges the DoT.
Keeza Quickfuse's and Bront's abilities:
Divided Duo - Defeating either Keeza or Bront causes the other to increase their damage by 20% every 4 seconds.
Wallop - Tank buster. Bront wallops his current target. All players within 5 yards of the tank receive damage and are knocked up into the air.
Barreling Charge - Bront barrels towards his target, hitting anyone in his path. This ability also knocks away Ticking Time Bombs.
Big Bada Boom - Keeza calls down a delivery of Ticking Time Bombs. These last for 30 seconds and explode for massive Fire damage with Deflagration. When knocked into the air, these bombs explode into Shrapnel and inflict Fire damage to players within 4 yards of impact.
B.B.B.F.G. - Keeza unleashes her Blazing Ballistic Blunt Force Gun, damaging players caught in the blast and knocking them up.
Quick Shot - Keeza also fires shots at random players.
Kinetic Explosive Gel - Keeza applies an explosive gel to a random player, inflicting Fire damage every second. Removing the gel causes it to explode, also knocking up all Ticking Time Bombs within 5 yards.
Geezle Gigazap is the final boss at the heart of the Waterworks dam. This goblin mad scientist uses energy from the dam to dish out massive amounts of Lightning damage. Players will need to DPS while avoiding beams of death, sparks that fixate players, and rubble falling from the ceiling.
Geezle Gigazap's abilities:
Thunder Punch - Tank buster. Geezle sucker punches the target with a jolting fist.
Gigazap - Heal check. Geezle shocks the party with unlimited power.
Leaping Sparks - Geezle created several Leaping Sparks that fixate players. Upon contact, these sparks deal massive damage and stun the player.
Turbo Charge - Geezle constantly siphons power from the dam to use for his attacks. Turbo bolts are rays of lightning that emit from Geezle.
Dam! - The dam shakes from the fight, causing water to leak and rubble to fall from above. Dam Water pools on the arena and becomes Shock Water if it makes contact with electricity such as a Leaping Spark. Shock Water deals massive damage and stuns players inside the efect.
Dam Rubble - Chunks of rock fall from the ceiling and deal damage to players within 3 yards of each impact.
Operation: Floodgate Loot

Craboom is a unique companion that drops from Swampface in Operation: Floodgate!
Here is the rest of the loot that drops from Operation: Floodgate:
Big M.O.M.M.A.:
Nonconductive Kill-o-Socks - Cloth Feet
Skystreak's Hidden Missiles - Mail Shoulders
Mechanized Junkpads - Leather Shoulders
Sonic Ka-BOOM!-erang - Warglaives
Darkfuse Medichopper - Healing trinket
Ringing Ritual Mud - Versatility Trinket
Gallytech Turbo-Tiller - Polearm
Disturbed Kelp Wraps - Leather Bracers
Razorchoke Slacks - Cloth Pants
Muckdiver's Wading Plate - Plate Chest
Demolition Duo:
Keeza's "B" B.B.B.F.G. - Gun
Venture Contractor's Floodlight - Plate Belt
Bront's Singed Blastcoat - Mail Chest
Waterworks Filtration Mask - Leather Helm
Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker - Agi or Strength Trinket
Geezle Gigazap:
Saboteur's Rubber Jacket - Cloth Chest
Circuit Breaker - Two-handed Sword
Geezle's Coercive Volt-ohmmeter - Dagger
Jumpstarter's Scaffold-Scrapers - Plate Hands
Portable Power Generator - Mail Belt
Gigazap's Zap Cap - Intellect Trinket
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